Russian Society

In last the two decades, it had the development of a system of global commercial media dominated by some few megacorporaes, the majority with headquarters in United States. The control of the television and other medias, as well as of the industry advertising executive, all provides to these corporations the attainment of an enormous influence on the ideas and the behavior of millions of common people in the planet, in way that the majority of these people suspicion nor does not imagine this influence. Reactions to the globalization, modernity and the structural power Exactly that a state or megacorporao possesss the dexterity to manage the structural power with effectiveness, the globalization will go to face opposition. They exist focos of resistance in the rich industrial societies, as well as in all the parts of the world. Such manifest resistance if through the increase of movements of traditionalistic matrix or revitalizao.

That is, attempts of if making the society to return to a previous state before it comes to occur, in its conception, a desestruturao or disequilibrium in the familiar order. Such movements of reaction can be disclosed under the form of movements nationalists, politicians, religious (fundamentalist or not); or movements of popular origin as ambientalistas organizations or promotion of the peace. Although it is truth that the states and the great corporations have expanded its power and influence by means of the electronic technologies of communication, also it is truth that these same technologies offer chances for groups and individuals that traditionally they do not possess to be able. They present ways to distribute information and to promote activities distinct of the activities of the dominant society, or that they are in opposition. Two examples can be cited: the fundamentalist group Talib, in the Afeganisto, helped to banish the Russian army in its country, and to finish with the civil war.