The Lack

To strengthen this vision, Morin is appealed to it (2000) which also supports to be necessary to know you discipline to exceed them and to conserve what it will be important and necessary in each one of them, detaching as soon as the nature to discipline must at the same time, be opened and closed. Opened to the innovations, the unexpected one and the new, opened the new methodologies and strategies, but relatively closed in relation to the educational purposes and objectives that characterize it as such, therefore it is necessary to recognize that a set of specific knowledge in the interior of each exists disciplines. Therefore, she is necessary to think about practical ours of education, so that let us can have a sistmica and not fragmented, contextualizada and not empty vision. 2.2Ensino of geography To if making one analyzes of the education of geography, evidences the many problems that affect the pupils and professors, and consequentemente the teach-learning process. It is verified that the education of geography does not please the good part of the pupils.

The lack of equipment and didactic material, resources these that provide an improvement in the quality of the lessons, does not stimulate the professor to prepare better its lessons. Making with that they, to facilitate its work, start to use only the didactic book, that many times this total divergent one of the academic reality. As they do not enxergam the integration of the knowledge of disciplines with the reality, the pupils create paradigms and start to find it unnecessary. Pertaining to school geography comes searching to think its paper about the society in change, questioning conventional methods, indicating new contents and reaffirming others. However, the way more adjusted to develop the subject of practical in the geography education is of an initial reflection on the education objectives, so that thus if it can create methods optimize that it.