Economic Crisis

In the past if a nation entered crisis, only it was itself affected of gravity, in the decade the past Argentina fell in a bankruptcy due to her dependency by the foreigner, nevertheless her crisis was contained in her own policy and economy, nevertheless we have lived during the past few years in a system-world where the hegemony has the United States and all we have become employees to him, especially our Mexico country, where not only our economy and policy employee also sees itself, but it has become a sociological phenomenon in which million of Mexican cross the border in search of better situations to live. Nevertheless now that the world-wide police is weak, the chaos crosses each nation that comprises of the present system-world: Capitalism. As a result of the previous thing, the transformation of the parties must completely be sensible to these changes to offer solutions. Nevertheless we have a State with a power that is underestimated in comparison with the one of the market, now are not the international governors that commands, but companies and all those supranational agreements that grant to external personages strong amounts to him of being able and influences within our territory, begin to be they the most important actors within the decision making in the country. The political parties are debilitated before such changes and they do not respond with effective proposals and solutions before the crisis that is approached and many others. The previous ones can be considered like external factors of the crisis that the political parties reflect, like internal factors we can recognize that these organizations, although in theory must respond to the demands of the town and to be representing of their voice and vote before the State, the political parties are seen more and more remote of the society, they have become parties apparatus, electoral machines whose unique function is to organize the process of selection of candidates, to make propaganda and to obtain to votes, have forgotten its social function and dedicated exclusively to exert its political function, they have stopped propagating and defending ideologies between the town and summary to only look for its citizen participation when this means to vote by the candidates that they same choose, the citizens lose their qualitative quality and they become mere percentage related to the results of the elections or surveys of opinion..