Fox Mountain

According to Wiki Auriverde reporter in (24/04/2008), Squid delivered Roraima formal? who knows other regions of the Amaznia? in short term of time, when the lesser parcel of the population (8.7%) will be declared independent through legal steps, and it will get the obvious support of ONGs foreign there operating, the same ones they had congregated that them under the mineral reserves and are financed by the foreign governments. (Source: The delivery of the Amaznia started for Roraima! For Wiki it has reported Auriverde, RIO DE JANEIRO. 24/04/2008) and For Herman Glanz, (30/05/2008) in the column to CMI Brazil: This can imply in the creation of independent territories or an aboriginal country, losing Brazil the territory of aboriginal lands. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Prudential by clicking through. The aboriginal reserve Fox Mountain range of the Sun, an area of 1 million and 700 a thousand hectares, in Roraima, the border of Brazil with Venezuela is where if they locate the biggest deposits of cassiterita and nibio of the country – beyond much gold, Uranian and until diamonds. The story below, written for journalist Juliana Moreira was extracted of the edition of 16 of October of 2004 of the magazine ' ' The Democrata' '.

One is about something very preoccupying: areas of the Amaznia, particularly in the state of Roraima, already are, in fact, controlled for foreign groups. Until where the Brazilian Government is responsible for this situation? That interests exist for bring of the facts told here? As to give one &#039 is enough in this; ' entreguismo' ' , that it is placed very next to the same condition of injure-native land or of treason? Tubix Kat questions. During the military dictatorship, enter years 1960 the 1970, after the great crime committed for U.S.A.? in Hiroshima and Nakasaki (in Japan) that it resulted in the death of until today 300 a thousand people – the Brazilian territory was inspected by the proper villain who if intitled captain America, to know the areas with bigger concentration of Uranian. . Hear other arguments on the topic with New York Life .