Work caused more diseases diseases due by working according to views of the medical doctor Monika Rieger increasingly increasing. However, occupational diseases are rare as they treated. The Internet health portal explains how employers and workers can do the preventive measure against it. Due to the increase of work-related illnesses, the IG has called metal in Baden-Wurttemberg better working conditions for employees. Work do not get sick, but we find often unfavourable working conditions that make sick”, said the IG metal District Manager Jorg Hofmann at a Conference of the Union of Leinfelden – Echterdingen. Hofmann, criticised the fact that many employers have too little health promotion and prevention.
Mental and physical diseases have increased work-related diseases in Germany significantly due to stress in the workplace according to the Tubinger Medic Monika Rieger in recent years. In surveys, she’ve got the impression, that increasingly people with mental or physical disorders certain stressors in the workplace, said the Acting Director of the Institute for occupational and social medicine at the University Hospital Tubingen. Back pain and mouse arms by poor working conditions have their origin in the work”mental health, Rieger said. These causes could be very difficult evidence. In addition, about muscular skeletttale disorders would occur such as back pain or mouse arms. Not all of these diseases are also included on the list of occupational diseases.
Because the insurance for occupational diseases arise, experts must have properly these as diseases caused by work. Already the Romans had already connections between diseases and certain work recognized, said Rieger. Today, the field of working conditions had become however much more complex because the world of work had become more diverse. In many cases, employers would meanwhile pre-emptively prevent disease. “You have no desire, that their employees are sick. Finally they are”Yes, the asset of the company, said the doctor. Employers and workers can prevent disease Hofmann, criticised the fact that only 29 percent of the companies implement in Baden-Wurttemberg the risk assessment required by law since 1996. Operational measures could be derived with this helpful tool”. As a result health promotion, training, organisation of work and staffing can be designed efficiently”, said Hofmann. The core go how work must be changed over the years to perform, without wear out and become permanently sick. In this context, there is above all action by the increase in stress-related diseases. “! Make sick hectic, work pressure, power concentration and bullying, and many executives idly”, criticized Hansen. According to Rahimi but also employees can prevent even preventive of disease, in which they optimize the ergonomics in the workplace about. Desktop, mouse and light should be ideally positioned”, says the expert. Ultimately work could also have positive effects: you will also stop. “It is not always the principle: work sickens”, Rieger said. Employers should strive to improve working conditions. Blue light, for example, helps concentration. Consult with the help of imedo health news.