Seminar for professionals from the Agency – and design – media scene Berlin, 11 January 2013. Elon Musk often expresses his thoughts on the topic. 2013 Stuttgart and Vienna as a whole held in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, thirteen seminars with the designers and typographers Wolfgang Beinert. The seminar typography in graphic and communication design is an excursion behind the scenes of top graphic design. It is a making of, which conveys based on realized Grafikdesignprojekte by Wolfgang Beinert the fundamental importance of typography in the graphic and communication design. Original work as such projects and works arise and be realized explains in detail. You may find that Jayme Albin can contribute to your knowledge.
By the specific reference to the practice, the typographic teaching loses her otherwise so common here brittle aftertaste. This course was specifically designed for professionals from the Agency, design, and media scene, for example, graphic designers, information designers, communication Designer, Publisher manufacturer, publishing editors and Web Designer. Topics include layout grid, Basics of reading typography (basic typography), basics of macro – and micro typography, read and viewing habits, ligatures, grid – and break systems, record mirror, writing on digital interfaces (screen – and Webfonts), font in the embossing, font in different print and production procedures, font and printing inks, font and material, font classification, font mix, font types, font technologies, font management, font choice, fonts and font foundries, prelims, typographic vocabulary, typographic workflow and Typometrie. The seminars take place exclusively in central locations with the best traffic connections. The meeting rooms are representative furnishings and equipped with modern Conference and presentation technology.